Uncover your strengths!
"Gallup research proves that people succeed when they focus on what they do best. When they identify their talents and develop them into strengths, people are more productive, perform better, and are more engaged.
Gallup's Clifton Strengths Finder assessment is the first step in helping people identify their talents. Clifton Strengths Finder results give people a way to discuss and develop their unique combination of skills, talents, and knowledge -- also known as strengths. " (Gallup Strengths Center, Gallup, Inc. 2014)
To complete the CliftonStrengths assessment, you can purchase the hardcopy book (at Amazon or Barnes and Noble) which includes an access code - or - purchase the access code online.
To purchase your access code online:
Go to
You have 2 options:
Purchase your CliftonStrengths 34 report to unlock full access to all 34 of your CliftonStrengths themes, $59.99 (+ tax).
Purchase your Top 5 CliftonStrengths Access to unlock a partial report, your top 5 CliftonStrengths themes, $24.99 (+tax).
Create an account. You will be notified by email of your access code.
To use your access code from the hardcopy book:
Go to
Enter your access code.
Create an account. You will receive a confirmation email with instructions.
To complete your assessment, follow the instructions in the email.
Please set aside 30-45 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the assessment. It is timed. Be authentic in your responses – that’s the only way the results will be meaningful!
Print the reports generated for you and bring with you to your workshop or coaching session!

"The coaching session helped me tremendously during my job search.
I was able to use my strengths to answer the interview questions 'Tell me about Yourself' or 'Why Should I Hire You' because I could explain what my strengths were and how they helped me do my job better.
I was the only person in a job search class who could list my strengths and discuss them in STAR stories (Situation, Task, Action, and Results)."
-- Cathleen C., Regulatory Project Specialist